How to write a good college paper
War On Drugs At School Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Loss of Innocence free essay sample
What is left of somebody when they lose their honesty? This is an inquiry both S. E. Hinton, the writer of The Outsiders, and Stevie Wonder, the author of â€Å"Stay Gold,†address in two diverse yet associated pieces. The Outsiders opens with the hopping and thumping of the primary character, Ponyboy Curtis, which establishes the pace for the remainder of the novel. In the midst of an area of unrest between two opponent groups, the greasers and the Socs, Johnny Cade, the â€Å"pet†of the greasers who might not hurt a fly, kills an adversary Soc. This demonstration tests the character of every individual from the area, and each group part locate an alternate side of one another, that was never observed. The melody, â€Å"Stay Gold,†which has a similar subject, yet an alternate message, recounts maturing being the reason for loss of honesty. Marvel depicts how the individuals who are youthful are glad and lighthearted, and as they age, their honesty blurs away, since nothing can keep going forever. Through the two works, the loss of guiltlessness is delivered as a key subject by both the greasers being tossed into life in a pack at a youthful age, and in the verses of the tune which outline maturing. The inundation of little fellows into a pack way of life, is one of the main sources of the loss of blamelessness for those in The Outsiders. In the disturbing foundation scene of Tulsa, Oklahoma, fourteen to multi year old young men are shedding their joyful perspectives and are rather going to bruised eyes and split ribs. They have picked a way of life of pack association loaded up with group savagery in their neighborhoods, adding to their loss of innocence.â€Å"And Johnny, who was the most well behaved of us all, presently conveyed a six-inch switchblade,†(34). Johnny Cade is the multi year old â€Å"pet†of the greasers, who was toughened up by an opponent gang’s part, who beat him to the condition of being unrecognizable. This beating made Johnny be frightened of his own shadow, and to want to haul around a weapon for his assurance. Similarly as Johnny loses his blamelessness, another individual from the greasers likewise experiences an unpleasant timefra me, bringing about the loss of his honesty. â€Å"And then I recollected. Dallas and Johnny were dead. Don’t consider them, I thought. Don’t recollect how Johnny was your mate, don’t recall that he didn’t need to bite the dust. Don’t consider Dally separating in the clinic, folding under the road light. Attempt to imagine that Johnny is in an ideal situation currently, attempt to recall that Dally would have wound up like that at some point or another. The best part is that don’t think. Clear your brain. Don’t recall. Don’t remember,†(156). Ponyboy Curtis needed to manage the passing of two of his closest companions in a single day. One passed on a legend, and one a hood, yet both were missed and both were too youthful to even think about dieing. Not exclusively does Ponyboy’s guiltlessness pass on without further ado, however so do such huge numbers of his other innocent characteristics, for example, his comical inclination and his giddy mentality. In a manner, posse activity caused the passings of the two youngsters, bringing about the loss of honesty for Ponyboy, yet for Johnny Cade and Dallas Winston also. These days, most teenagers don't need to stroll around with switchblades, and put off the idea of two of their closest companions being killed because of groups. Be that as it may, this was the cruel truth of the occasions. Posse life not just murdered off the guiltlessness in little fellows, however it slaughtered the little fellows themselves, off also. The tune, â€Å"Stay Gold,†follows the plot line of somebody losing their honesty as they age. Everybody begins, â€Å"young and carefree,†and as they grow up, they experience various circumstances, which scratch away at their blamelessness. In any event, when one returns and â€Å"steals away†into the days when they were blameless, it is just immediately. One can't remain in those minutes until the end of time. â€Å"Steal away into that path back when (Line 6) You believed that all would last forever,†(Line 7). One can recall into when their guiltlessness was full, and they can review how they figured occasions would consistently be that way. In any case, as reality set in and they began having commitments, the once full honesty that had bloomed within them, begins to shrivel. Their growing up transformed them as in it made them mindful that their confidence in honesty continuing on forever, was bogus. Nonetheless, when this was acknowledged it was p ast the point of no return. Wonder’s guarantee of guiltlessness apparently being lost as one ages is seen all through the melody. â€Å"So youthful and joyful (Line 3) Again you will see (Line 4) That place in timeso gold,†(Line 5). The peruser understands that the principle character in the song’s â€Å"safe place†is in their guiltless time. A period they thought would keep going forever. â€Å"Gold†is utilized to depict guiltlessness, which is precise since most view gold as obvious and saintly. It might be said, guiltlessness is saintly on the grounds that it speaks to being without transgression and without misery and enduring, all that we were at a youthful age and in the long run became out of.As we age, parts of our character move and change, similarly as our honesty does. The more we develop and develop, the less guileless and guiltless we are. All things considered, we are perpetually discontent with the measure of honesty we have, and once somebody knows about its ever-contracting sum, it is difficult to cling to. At the point when somebody joins or is constrained into a group at an early age, they grow up excessively quick, and need to confront circumstances that different adolescents may not, contingent on their living and social circumstances. The instillment of a pack way of life into the lives of Johnny Cade and Dallas Winston caused their demise, which thusly started Ponyboy’s quick loss of blamelessness. Stevie Wonder’s tune, â€Å"Stay Gold,†then again, delineates a story wherein somebody grew up, and is frantically attempting to recall to when they were honest, and thoughtless and liberated from obligation. Albeit maturing is unavoidable, and going with it, the loss of one’s blamelessness, as indicated by Stevie Wonder, the days when one was not frightened of their shadow, and when they were not continually stressing in the event that they and their family would endure the day, are the ones they long for to return to when they are more established. Everybo dy as a child is hurrying to dispose of their blamelessness, and to grow up and to be dealt with like a grown-up, and afterward out of nowhere they are the place they thought they needed to be. They have duties and connections, and all yet they need is to be youthful, and to not need to manage the entirety of the issues they face day by day. Why would that be? For what reason would we say we are never content with the measure of honesty we hold, and for what reason do we continually need a change from what our identity is?
Saturday, August 22, 2020
King Priam of Troy
â€Å"Come inside the divider, youngster; here you may battle on to spare our Trojan men and women†was the last endeavor King Priam of Troy had in keeping Prince Hector from leaving their dividers to clash with Achilles.He was talking as a lord as well as his dad. This was the last supplication of the lord who previously predicted the fate that Troy was meeting. Priam had just announced that Hector would bite the dust on the off chance that he went out there. He could just beg his child not to go out and give Achilles the brilliance that he was looking for in his greeting for a fight between them.Priam utilized various contentions to shield Hector from going out to confront Achilles. In this circumstance, the perusers could feel the franticness of Priam that spoke to the urgency of the whole city. The perusers, as they sense the edginess of Priam would relate to the old lord and rally behind the ruler of Troy. The lord essentially introduced the bearings by which the story wo uld go into.Priam’s contention incorporated that if Hector didn't go out to meet Achilles, he could in any case battle, along with the Trojan armed force, for the ladies and men of the city.He would not let Achilles have his brilliance. He would show his dad feel sorry for by not heading outside. Then again, if Hector went out, Priam definitely recognized what might occur: â€Å"my children cut down, my little girls hauled away, bedchambers assaulted, and little kids heaved to earth in the abomination of war, as my son’s spouses are taken by Achaeans’ ruinous hands.†The last words a dad could state to his child, who was going to meet his passing, was something that moved the perusers into mobilizing for Hector. Previously, Achilles may have been the hero however this discourse reversed the situation around and the perusers related the destiny of the Trojans and sees Prince Hector as huge in their lives.â This discourse made Hector’s demise increa singly significant and grievous for the perusers. It was something that made the peak of the epic progressively sensational and awful that was ascribed to Homer’s storytelling.Book 23Achilles was viewed as a savage that executed Hector in his carnal fierceness. It was obvious that before Hector passed on, Homer previously portrayed him as the sovereign, the child, the spouse and the father.Hector was every one of these things to the Trojans but then Achilles was simply observed as an extraordinary warrior. The wonder that was intended for Achilles couldn't be completely refreshing on the grounds that he was not all the things Hector were. It appeared that the perusers would imagine that it ought to have been Hector who had won the fight rather than Achilles.When the phantom of Patroclos appeared to Achilles, the perusers were helped to remember why Achilles murdered Hector. It was to retaliate for his dear companion and cousin. It helped the perusers to remember the passionat e side of Achilles who was additionally sorrowful when Hector killed Patroclos. Regardless of whether it was unintentional, this disarray accommodated this epic a tragedy.Patroclos showed up and asked Achilles to recover his body from the Trojans since he clearly couldn't hybrid without an appropriate internment. It indicated the human side of Achilles more than underlining on the character of Patroclos.However, it showed him and how he relied upon Achilles, even at the times in his life following death wherein he was shouting out to Achilles to allow his spirit to rest. He blamed Achilles for disregard when he had kicked the bucket when as a general rule, Achilles grieved for him and even killed Hector on account of him.However, the reality of the section filled its need for getting the readers’ compassion toward Achilles. He was not simply some ruler killer. He was Patroclos’ avenger.The certainty that it was Hector who had incidentally executed him was had an amazin g impact of the epic. It was additionally settled when Patroclos caused Achilles to recall the profundity of the outcome of his demise: â€Å" Never again will you and I, alive and breathing, cluster next to each other, aside from steadfast friends, making arrangements togetherâ€never.†AgamemnonAegisthus, the admirer of Agamemnon’s spouse Clytaemnestra, talked the section. It was in light of the recrimination of the chorale as a result of the delight he found in the homicide of his cousin, Agamemnon himself. The theme was made out of the old individuals in the board. They were reprimanding him for his two-faced issue with Clytaemnestra.In the section, he was conflicting with the ensemble with words and activities. He patronized the older folks in language and nonverbal habits. He felt that he reserved each privilege to thinking about what his family, particularly his dad had experienced as a result of Agamemnon’s father.His discourse communicated the anger he had and how he couldn't have cared less nor was he terrified of the things that would follow as he considered this to be as the ideal opportunity for avenging his family. Agamemnon’s family had put down his family in such a shocking way and it was the ideal opportunity for Aegisthus to put down every other person as a result of it. He was demonstrating how he had the advantage now and it showed his pride and certainty for the situation.The entry respected the dangers he had for the Chorus of Elders and for any individual who might come against him. He came like a domineering jerk who was eager to put down anything. During this time, it appeared that he had united for himself the force that his dad was battling for. In any case, this time it appeared that he was going to govern with an iron hand.He was particularly not going to make it simple on the individuals who agreed with Agamemnon and the individuals who reprimanded him, â€Å"You’ll learn, in your late age, how sludge it damages to show old bones their place.†He undermined them with bondage and hardship of food. He saw that it was fit for the chorale in view of what they looked like down on him, regardless of the way that he was liable for a murder.He was unmindful and contained a pompous picture that he approved in light of a past that had left him disenthralled. He felt that he was the one in charge as he took steps to show them a thing or two the most difficult way possible. In any case, this apparently was his very own hinting defeat in the end.While perusers comprehend his fury, they were additionally killed by his egotism and disregard. It indicated how his harshness had pulled him to the clouded side and how it was reasonable and worthy on the off chance that he didn't get what he had consistently wanted.Pericles’ Funeral OrationThucydides uncovered in Pericles’ memorial service discourse the setbacks of war. It considered the mankind that was included and infl uenced as a result of war. In this entry, he was discussing a plague that surpassed the region. Individuals were biting the dust all over and it simply painted a staggering situation, â€Å"sight of individuals biting the dust like sheep through having contracted the ailment because of nursing others.†People couldn't help since it was an irresistible sickness and there was a feeling of misery that aroseThis entry was additionally awful in the way human lives were in question and nobody could truly take care of business in the event that they were not willing their own lives. It was a catastrophe in light of the quantity of the individuals who kicked the bucket and how nobody could take care of business in such a case that they did they would likewise pass on.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Project Planning with Mind Maps (Examples) - Focus
Project Planning with Mind Maps (Examples) - Focus Mind maps are an invaluable tool when it comes to project planning. They foster a free flow of ideas, which is ideal for creative brainstormings; they structure information visually and thus provide a great overview of all project-related data; If youre using MindMeister, your mind maps are also collaborative, which means you can share them with colleagues and edit them together in real-time; maps can even be turned into other formats such as slideshows, Word documents or agile project boards. Below youll find a number of great examples of how mind maps can help you with all your project planning needs: 1. Brainstorming Project Ideas Brainstorming in online mind maps has been found to be even more effective than traditional, in-person brainstorming sessions. In fact, using online mind maps can increase your creative output by about 50% (read more about this in our article about online brainstorming with mind maps!). So if you want to develop or flesh out your next great idea, heres how to get started: Open a blank mind map in MindMeister and write your idea in the center of the map. Add 3 to 6 first-level topics (branches) around the center with significant keywords. Explore the details of your idea by adding child topics to the branches. Important: Let your thoughts flow freely and don’t censor your ideas. Don’t interrupt your brainstorming until you’re satisfied with the result or have run out of ideas. Take a look at the sample mind map below: 2. Refine and Present Your Project Idea After your initial brainstorming, chances are you will be left with a bit of a mess. Nows the time to comb through the ideas and thoughts youve collected in your map, delete the useless ones, and reorder the good ones to create a meaningful structure. Remove topics with inapplicable ideas. Move topics around to create a proper structure for your map. Add explanations and details to your ideas in the form of notes, links, images and files. Add emphasis to topics by choosing appropriate styles and icons. Once youve mapped out your vision, youll probably want to present it to your team, your superiors or your client. The best way to do this is by using MindMeisters built-in presentation mode to turn the mind map into a dynamic slideshow. Open presentation mode and create slides for the topics in your map. Add appropriate transitions to the slides. Present your idea to the decision makers. 3. Perform a Benefit-Cost Analysis A benefit-cost analysis helps you decide whether its really a good idea to undertake the project youve been planning. To perform a benefit-cost-analysis in a mind map: Open a blank mind map in MindMeister. Create one branch for your project objectives. Create one branch for estimated resources required to perform the project. Create a third branch for anticipated benefits. Calculate the project’s net present value (=excess of project’s expected benefits over its estimated costs in monetary terms) and use the result to decide whether you should go ahead with the project. 4. Outline Your Project Plan While the actual writing process is better done in a text document, mind maps are a fantastic format for outlining the chapters and contents of your project plan. Mind maps not only visualize your entire project plan on a single page, they also offer space for notes, links and comments. You can even attach whole files to the topics in your mind maps. To get started Open a blank mind map to create an outline for your project plan (or use the mind map template below as a starting point). Create first-level topics for what will later become the various chapters of your plan (e.g. “Reasons for undertaking this projectâ€, “Intended resultsâ€, “Roles and responsibilitiesâ€, etc.). Add details to each first-level topic in the form of child topics. Try to stick to individual keywords and short phrases so as to not clutter up your map. You can add longer explanations in the form of notes. Bring a logical order into your topics, then export the finished outline as a Word document. Use this new text document for the actual writing process. Have your project plan reviewed and signed off by the decision makers. Tip: Re-use this mind map as a project roadmap by simplifying it and sharing it with your project team and relevant stakeholders. A project roadmap is a great tool to quickly review your goals and milestones and ensure youre still on schedule. Of course, you can easily update the roadmap throughout the projects lifetime if your priorities change or you need to refine your previous estimates. 5. Create a Project Stakeholders List Project stakeholders are entities that have an interest in a given project. Compiling a list of your stakeholders will help you decide if and when you should involve them in decisions and help you determine the scope of the project. Open a blank mind map and create one branch for “internal†stakeholders (i.e. people inside your organization) and one for “external†stakeholders. (Or simply clone the template weve prepared below). Add child-topics representing the various departments and groups involved in the project, such as team members, end users, upper management, suppliers etc. Divide these categories and groups further until you arrive at the actual names of people. Be sure to add their contact information! Share your mind map with co-workers who could potentially know of other important parties to add to the list. Update the list throughout the project and save it for potential reuse in future projects. So those are 5 simple ways mind maps can aid you in all stages of project planning. When youre ready to go from planning to execution, you can use MindMeisters integration with the collaborative project manager MeisterTask to seamlessly turn your mind maps into agile project boards, and get productive with your team! Discover project management with mind mapping Sign up for MindMeister Its free! Sign up for MindMeister Project Planning with Mind Maps (Examples) - Focus Mind maps are an invaluable tool when it comes to project planning. They foster a free flow of ideas, which is ideal for creative brainstormings; they structure information visually and thus provide a great overview of all project-related data; If youre using MindMeister, your mind maps are also collaborative, which means you can share them with colleagues and edit them together in real-time; maps can even be turned into other formats such as slideshows, Word documents or agile project boards. Below youll find a number of great examples of how mind maps can help you with all your project planning needs: 1. Brainstorming Project Ideas Brainstorming in online mind maps has been found to be even more effective than traditional, in-person brainstorming sessions. In fact, using online mind maps can increase your creative output by about 50% (read more about this in our article about online brainstorming with mind maps!). So if you want to develop or flesh out your next great idea, heres how to get started: Open a blank mind map in MindMeister and write your idea in the center of the map. Add 3 to 6 first-level topics (branches) around the center with significant keywords. Explore the details of your idea by adding child topics to the branches. Important: Let your thoughts flow freely and don’t censor your ideas. Don’t interrupt your brainstorming until you’re satisfied with the result or have run out of ideas. Take a look at the sample mind map below: 2. Refine and Present Your Project Idea After your initial brainstorming, chances are you will be left with a bit of a mess. Nows the time to comb through the ideas and thoughts youve collected in your map, delete the useless ones, and reorder the good ones to create a meaningful structure. Remove topics with inapplicable ideas. Move topics around to create a proper structure for your map. Add explanations and details to your ideas in the form of notes, links, images and files. Add emphasis to topics by choosing appropriate styles and icons. Once youve mapped out your vision, youll probably want to present it to your team, your superiors or your client. The best way to do this is by using MindMeisters built-in presentation mode to turn the mind map into a dynamic slideshow. Open presentation mode and create slides for the topics in your map. Add appropriate transitions to the slides. Present your idea to the decision makers. 3. Perform a Benefit-Cost Analysis A benefit-cost analysis helps you decide whether its really a good idea to undertake the project youve been planning. To perform a benefit-cost-analysis in a mind map: Open a blank mind map in MindMeister. Create one branch for your project objectives. Create one branch for estimated resources required to perform the project. Create a third branch for anticipated benefits. Calculate the project’s net present value (=excess of project’s expected benefits over its estimated costs in monetary terms) and use the result to decide whether you should go ahead with the project. 4. Outline Your Project Plan While the actual writing process is better done in a text document, mind maps are a fantastic format for outlining the chapters and contents of your project plan. Mind maps not only visualize your entire project plan on a single page, they also offer space for notes, links and comments. You can even attach whole files to the topics in your mind maps. To get started Open a blank mind map to create an outline for your project plan (or use the mind map template below as a starting point). Create first-level topics for what will later become the various chapters of your plan (e.g. “Reasons for undertaking this projectâ€, “Intended resultsâ€, “Roles and responsibilitiesâ€, etc.). Add details to each first-level topic in the form of child topics. Try to stick to individual keywords and short phrases so as to not clutter up your map. You can add longer explanations in the form of notes. Bring a logical order into your topics, then export the finished outline as a Word document. Use this new text document for the actual writing process. Have your project plan reviewed and signed off by the decision makers. Tip: Re-use this mind map as a project roadmap by simplifying it and sharing it with your project team and relevant stakeholders. A project roadmap is a great tool to quickly review your goals and milestones and ensure youre still on schedule. Of course, you can easily update the roadmap throughout the projects lifetime if your priorities change or you need to refine your previous estimates. 5. Create a Project Stakeholders List Project stakeholders are entities that have an interest in a given project. Compiling a list of your stakeholders will help you decide if and when you should involve them in decisions and help you determine the scope of the project. Open a blank mind map and create one branch for “internal†stakeholders (i.e. people inside your organization) and one for “external†stakeholders. (Or simply clone the template weve prepared below). Add child-topics representing the various departments and groups involved in the project, such as team members, end users, upper management, suppliers etc. Divide these categories and groups further until you arrive at the actual names of people. Be sure to add their contact information! Share your mind map with co-workers who could potentially know of other important parties to add to the list. Update the list throughout the project and save it for potential reuse in future projects. So those are 5 simple ways mind maps can aid you in all stages of project planning. When youre ready to go from planning to execution, you can use MindMeisters integration with the collaborative project manager MeisterTask to seamlessly turn your mind maps into agile project boards, and get productive with your team! Discover project management with mind mapping Sign up for MindMeister Its free! Sign up for MindMeister Project Planning with Mind Maps (Examples) - Focus Mind maps are an invaluable tool when it comes to project planning. They foster a free flow of ideas, which is ideal for creative brainstormings; they structure information visually and thus provide a great overview of all project-related data; If youre using MindMeister, your mind maps are also collaborative, which means you can share them with colleagues and edit them together in real-time; maps can even be turned into other formats such as slideshows, Word documents or agile project boards. Below youll find a number of great examples of how mind maps can help you with all your project planning needs: 1. Brainstorming Project Ideas Brainstorming in online mind maps has been found to be even more effective than traditional, in-person brainstorming sessions. In fact, using online mind maps can increase your creative output by about 50% (read more about this in our article about online brainstorming with mind maps!). So if you want to develop or flesh out your next great idea, heres how to get started: Open a blank mind map in MindMeister and write your idea in the center of the map. Add 3 to 6 first-level topics (branches) around the center with significant keywords. Explore the details of your idea by adding child topics to the branches. Important: Let your thoughts flow freely and don’t censor your ideas. Don’t interrupt your brainstorming until you’re satisfied with the result or have run out of ideas. Take a look at the sample mind map below: 2. Refine and Present Your Project Idea After your initial brainstorming, chances are you will be left with a bit of a mess. Nows the time to comb through the ideas and thoughts youve collected in your map, delete the useless ones, and reorder the good ones to create a meaningful structure. Remove topics with inapplicable ideas. Move topics around to create a proper structure for your map. Add explanations and details to your ideas in the form of notes, links, images and files. Add emphasis to topics by choosing appropriate styles and icons. Once youve mapped out your vision, youll probably want to present it to your team, your superiors or your client. The best way to do this is by using MindMeisters built-in presentation mode to turn the mind map into a dynamic slideshow. Open presentation mode and create slides for the topics in your map. Add appropriate transitions to the slides. Present your idea to the decision makers. 3. Perform a Benefit-Cost Analysis A benefit-cost analysis helps you decide whether its really a good idea to undertake the project youve been planning. To perform a benefit-cost-analysis in a mind map: Open a blank mind map in MindMeister. Create one branch for your project objectives. Create one branch for estimated resources required to perform the project. Create a third branch for anticipated benefits. Calculate the project’s net present value (=excess of project’s expected benefits over its estimated costs in monetary terms) and use the result to decide whether you should go ahead with the project. 4. Outline Your Project Plan While the actual writing process is better done in a text document, mind maps are a fantastic format for outlining the chapters and contents of your project plan. Mind maps not only visualize your entire project plan on a single page, they also offer space for notes, links and comments. You can even attach whole files to the topics in your mind maps. To get started Open a blank mind map to create an outline for your project plan (or use the mind map template below as a starting point). Create first-level topics for what will later become the various chapters of your plan (e.g. “Reasons for undertaking this projectâ€, “Intended resultsâ€, “Roles and responsibilitiesâ€, etc.). Add details to each first-level topic in the form of child topics. Try to stick to individual keywords and short phrases so as to not clutter up your map. You can add longer explanations in the form of notes. Bring a logical order into your topics, then export the finished outline as a Word document. Use this new text document for the actual writing process. Have your project plan reviewed and signed off by the decision makers. Tip: Re-use this mind map as a project roadmap by simplifying it and sharing it with your project team and relevant stakeholders. A project roadmap is a great tool to quickly review your goals and milestones and ensure youre still on schedule. Of course, you can easily update the roadmap throughout the projects lifetime if your priorities change or you need to refine your previous estimates. 5. Create a Project Stakeholders List Project stakeholders are entities that have an interest in a given project. Compiling a list of your stakeholders will help you decide if and when you should involve them in decisions and help you determine the scope of the project. Open a blank mind map and create one branch for “internal†stakeholders (i.e. people inside your organization) and one for “external†stakeholders. (Or simply clone the template weve prepared below). Add child-topics representing the various departments and groups involved in the project, such as team members, end users, upper management, suppliers etc. Divide these categories and groups further until you arrive at the actual names of people. Be sure to add their contact information! Share your mind map with co-workers who could potentially know of other important parties to add to the list. Update the list throughout the project and save it for potential reuse in future projects. So those are 5 simple ways mind maps can aid you in all stages of project planning. When youre ready to go from planning to execution, you can use MindMeisters integration with the collaborative project manager MeisterTask to seamlessly turn your mind maps into agile project boards, and get productive with your team! Discover project management with mind mapping Sign up for MindMeister Its free! Sign up for MindMeister
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd Hbr Case Study - 1130 Words
Royal Caribbean Cruises, LTD: A Case Study 1. Using the Information Systems Triangle as a framework, evaluate the alignment of RCCLs business strategy, organizational strategy, and information systems strategy before Tom Murphy became CIO and then after Tom Murphy took over as CIO (up to 9/11/2001). Prior to Tom Murphys tenure as CIO, Royal Caribbean Cruises Lines (RCCLs) business strategies were not fully aligned with the organizational and IT strategies. Tom Murphy was instrumental in bringing these together. A threefold business strategy was in place. It consisted of 1) design better cruise experiences, 2) reduce costs and 3) grow revenues. It improved guest experiences through luxurious ships with rock-climbing walls and†¦show more content†¦Royal Caribbeans expenses for the year were based on much higher volumes (based on the income statement for December 31, 2001), and it had recently invested additional capital in several new ships to maintain. The company had to do what was necessary to survive, until travel returned to previous levels. The updated business strategy was to stay alive in the face of low volumes and large capital assets. The organizational strategy consisted of immediate layoffs (33% staff and 90% consultants) to focus on support needs only Ââ€" resulting in eliminating new technology talent in favor of retaining legacy support skills. Finally, the IT strategy was to shelf Leapfrog and return to the basics to make common processes efficient. To accommodate business needs and cash flow concerns, Tom followed a micro-strategy approach with smaller, incremental project implementations. In this way, the company was able to continue until volumes began to approach previous levels, and many laid-off employees were reinstated. 3. Should Tom Murphy recommend a modest budget increase, a significant budget increase or a return to the glory days before 9/11 to the corporate planning committee? Support your answer. By mid-2003, the industry was in recovery mode but prices were still relatively low to entice customers and utilize the hotel capacity available
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Important And Controversial Issues Of The World - 2026 Words
There are many important and controversial matters in the world just waiting to be discussed. However discussions on such matters usually transform into debates and even escalate to heated arguments. Such controversial concepts include racism, feminism, religion, and so on. Just one of the many corrupt problems of our society would have to be the commercialization of holidays. Holidays are meant to celebrate family, thanks, and happiness. However, holidays such as Christmas and the race to get the best gifts for the best prices has completely consumed smaller holidays like Thanksgiving. Christmas s origin is rooted in religion and suppose to be a time to celebrate and reflect upon the birth of Christ. Nowadays most people lean towards and celebrate the commercialized version of Christmas. With the general focus being getting rather than the spirit of giving, as people spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on basically useless gifts. The Christmas holiday has strayed from being a time of togetherness, humility, and faith and has now become a thriving economic stimulus. With many Christmas items being sold in stores starting the season as early on as October. Thanksgiving and Christmas are two separate holidays respectfully with their own separate months and traditions. Thanksgiving takes place on November 27th and Christmas is on December 25 each and every year. The term Black Friday is used in the U.S. to describe the day after Thanksgiving,Show MoreRelatedThe Diary Of Anne Frank, Huckleberry Finn Essay1211 Words  | 5 Pagesgreat importance. All of these controversial books have been able to teach the children about world affairs, and educate their minds on classic themes. Something with controversy contains a â€Å"disagreement, typically when prolonged, public, and heated.†Controversy takes place all over the world, whether it be in politics, religion, philosophy, science, media and so much more! 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This topic has been all over the news for the past few years and it has caught people’s attention. Do they benefit society as a whole? Are they a threat to the public’s health? Should scientists even manipulate genes in organisms? A great deal of questions and doubts have arisen regarding GMO’sRead MoreThe Utopian And Dystopian Texts1341 Words  | 6 Pagesflawed imaginary world. These concerns often reflect the composer’s thesis on the human condition, and as such, these texts generally seek to serve as a rhetorical device that inspires its generation to question their own society. Thomas More’s 1516 satirical novel Utopia, condemns the damaging leadership of King Henry VIII presented through the contrasting nature of England in Book: 1 and the imperfect Utopia in Bo ok: 2. Andrew Niccol s film; Gattaca (1997) addresses the controversial invention ofRead MoreControversial Issues in Entertainment1283 Words  | 6 PagesIn today’s world which is full of controversial topics or issue which can be found in the mass media. This does continue towards the future for the timeline of any controversial issue during the history and for the public changed in time. The media does present the topic for the public. There is many portrayal of the subject which can demonize a topic so the mindset of the people is listening to the presentation of any story. This controversial topic which has the bias from this is the Freedom ofRead MoreMedia And Its Impact On The Political Movement Essay1708 Words  | 7 PagesThe norm of journalism is to present information or news to the general public via mass media. Thus, it plays an important part in everyday life. 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So that if you were seriously injured tomorrow, your partner could have a say in your medical treatment. (Black out) (__) In our highly diverse and multicultural society it is inevitable to see controversial issues raised and debated. In ourRead MoreThe Consequences Of Fast Food Industry1469 Words  | 6 PagesEconomically the world has changed substantially through the influence of the fast food industry. Drastically ¬ forcing our generation, to transform our lifestyle in order to fully adapt the social, health and economical state we live in. Our family structures have evolved forcefully, as the demand of easy, efficient, manageable meals are now within a reach of a hand. This sets the foundation of the fast developing industry. Maximizing their profits to the extent of risking the innocent delicate lives
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Supersize Me Summary Free Essays
Several legal suits have been brought against McDonald’s Restaurants that they are knowingly selling food that is unhealthy. Some of the court decisions have stated that the plaintiffs would have a claim if they could prove that eating the food every day for every meal is dangerous. As such, documentarian Morgan Spurlock conducts an unscientific experiment using himself as the guinea pig: eat only McDonald’s for thirty days, three meals a day. We will write a custom essay sample on Supersize Me Summary or any similar topic only for you Order Now If he is asked by the clerk if he would like the meal super sized, he has to say yes. And by the end of the thirty days, he will have had to have eaten every single menu item at least once. Before starting the experiment, he is tested by three doctors – a general practitioner, a cardiologist and a gastroenterologist – who pronounce his general health to be outstanding. They will also monitor him over the thirty days to ensure that he is not placing his health into irreparable damage. He also consults with a dietitian/nutritionist and an exercise physiologist, the latter who also deems him to be above average fitness. As it mimics the lifestyle of those who eat fast food, he will also do no exercise for the thirty days, limiting himself to under 5,000 steps per day (the approximate equivalent of 2? iles). These health and medical experts have some predictions about his general health and wellness by the end of the experiment. His vegan chef girlfriend also has some predictions about how this experiment will affect his mood and therefore their relationship. As he goes through the experiment, he speaks to a number of people – many experts in their resp ective fields – on the pros and cons of the fast food lifestyle. Just over halfway through the experiment, it is evident that even the experts can be wrong, and not in a good way. How to cite Supersize Me Summary, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Identifications of Social Movements-Free-Samples for Students
Question: In what sense do Social Movements Enhance Democratic Practice and in what sense do they stray from it? Answer: Introduction The social movement has been struggling for democracy and they have broadened the scope for deliberative as well as participatory democracy. The progressive democracy has contributed to various levels of internal decision-making, which in turn helps in the consensus building[1]. This essay would identify the different social movements that improve democratic practice or hamper the democratic practice. Discussion The social movements in various parts of the world have increasingly proved to be one of the prime factors for mobilizing the resources of the nation and implementation of the various measures within a neoliberal economic approach[2]. The social movements are an excellent platform in which the people are in a position to know each other as well as the public activities that are taking place in the society. This kind of society can be successful as a self-governance in the matters of political campaigns, representation and the various elections. A well connected network of countrys citizens is instrumental in making a robust democratic government. Such social networks are capable of introducing social capital in the systems, which are responsible for responsive representatives, better civic amenities, healthy populations, effective governance and more engaged citizens[3]. The social movements bring in the community mobilization, which also connects the isolated communities as well. Th e overlapping consensus of the people with different moral as well as religious outlook would lead them to the common institutions of the liberal and just society. The social movements enforce overlapping consensus which is based on the values as well as interests that successfully avoid the various religious-political scenario[4]. The social movements are synonymous with the sustainable as well as collective approach, which is eventually better for the entire society. This kind of mass movements create popular participation since they have created more widespread network of people. There have been witnesses in history that shows that the social movements are capable of performing a greater role in the public framework of decision-making. This has happened through the processes of mechanism and culture of the interaction of the people. This kind of engagement of the community makes the democratic government more efficient since there is more number of entities involved in the decision-making process of the government. This kind of movements is helpful in sharpening the actual consciousness of the citizens, so that they can participate in the democratic processes in a better way. Social movements, can thus, help in pressing the governments for reorganizing their decision-making process and reorganization of the community institutions for the better. The social movements are also capable of straying from democracy and affect the process ultimately[5]. There are incidences in history that show that the social movements have led to problems, that has ultimately affected the democracy process. There have been revolutionary as well as rebellion movements in which the social transformation is being challenged. In such social movements, people are mobilized so that they can resist changes which arise from the oppressed sections residing in the society. There are incidences of mob violence that has devastated fairly strong democratic systems. There have been social movements in which there is lack of clarity of the ideology and its purpose of implementation. This may lead to counter-production and can be violent also, if they are not channelized properly. These kind of social movements are responsible for growing failure as well as lack of interest in resolving the social demands of today. The social movements are also known to create crippling differences, detachment and disenchantment among the local communities. The social unrest as well as mobilizations helped in deterioration of the institutional, political and legal situations of the country. These kinds of mobilizations often lead to a destabilized economy, which often weakens the power of the nation. There are often issues with the participation channels which bind together various states, local and federal governments of the country. This often leads to an improper democratic system. Conclusion The social transformations are important for determinants of the national success. The social transformation can act as a constructive factor for the democracy of a country and also have the potential for destruction of the social capital of the nation. This essay discussed some of the major impacts of social movements on the democracy of a nation. References Choi-Fitzpatrick A, 'Managing Democracy In Social Movement Organizations' (2014) 14 Social Movement Studies Hayes G, 'Social Movement Studies,Social Movement Studies, And The Challenges Of Parochialism: A Rejoinder To Poulson, Caswell And Gray' (2014) 13 Social Movement Studies Johnson V, 'Disintegrating Democracy At Work: Labor Unions And The Future Of Good Jobs In The Service Economy' (2015) 15 Social Movement Studies Refle J, 'What Is A Social Movement?' (2015) 15 Social Movement Studies Weisskircher M, 'The Consequences Of Social Movements' (2016) 16 Social Movement Studies Choi-Fitzpatrick A, 'Managing Democracy In Social Movement Organizations' (2014) 14 Social Movement Studies Hayes G, 'Social Movement Studies,Social Movement Studies, And The Challenges Of Parochialism: A Rejoinder To Poulson, Caswell And Gray' (2014) 13 Social Movement Studies Johnson V, 'Disintegrating Democracy At Work: Labor Unions And The Future Of Good Jobs In The Service Economy' (2015) 15 Social Movement Studies Refle J, 'What Is A Social Movement?' (2015) 15 Social Movement Studies Weisskircher M, 'The Consequences Of Social Movements' (2016) 16 Social Movement Studies
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